Company Incorporation in Romania: "Corina Popescu" Law Office in Bucharest

In Romania, the company incorporation procedures require a good knowledge of the corporate law and the process of company start-up in Romania. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult on company incorporation with one of our attorneys specialized in Romanian commercial law and corporate law.

Company Incorporation in Romania - Legal Procedures

Company incorporation, in Romania just like in many other countries, is the process of forming a new company. The company may be a business, a non-profit organization, a sports club, etc. Company incorporation may be a tiring administrative process for both Romanian residents and non-residents. Along the years, our lawyers have gained a large experience in handling the company incorporation routine and following the legal procedures in effect in Romania.

Company Incorporation in Romania: Full Legal Services

We support and guide you in starting your own company every step of the way! That is why we have created a business consulting service in Romania to provide clients with legal advice and representation in the matter of company incorporation, company start-up in Romaniacommercial contract drafting, etc. Leave your strategy of company incorporation in Romania to our experienced lawyers - they know best!