"Corina Popescu" - Law Firm in Romania

The legal activity of "Corina Popescu" Romanian Law Firm is strictly performed based on a legal assistance contract concluded according to the forms and conditions stipulated by law.

All the attorneys in our team comply with the confidentiality terms as required by law, the Legal Profession Act and the Attorney’s Rules of Professional Conduct. They are fully subject to the laws of Romania and abide by the same; they maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate the secrets of their clients


"Corina Popescu" Law Firm in Romania: the relationship with our clients

The titular attorney or the collaborator attorney in our Romanian law firm, who is in charge with keeping contact with the client will inform the latter on a regular basis, whenever required, within reasonable limits, in regard to their file evolution and the planned proceedings.

"Corina Popescu" Law Firm, Romania: legal fees

"Corina Popescu" Law Firm applies a wide range of fees depending on the services provided: flat fees, hourly charges, hearing fees, contingency fees, periodical retainers, or any of these combined. Please note that 19% VAT charges apply to all the fees above.

An invoice is made out for all fees. Payments for legal consultation and legal assistance services are due within 10 days from the invoice date. Payments can be made via bank transfer or cash. In both cases, a money receipt is made out.

"Corina Popescu" Law Firm in Romania - terms and conditions

If the payment obligations are not met within the terms and conditions agreed with the client under the legal assistance contract, our law firm in Romania has the right to suspend any legal services as stated in the contract and/or to unilaterally terminate the legal assistance contract without giving the client exemption from the payment of half of the agreed fees or of the fully provided legal services, plus the client related expenses.



Service Fees